Thank you for conspiring in our elopement. We’re so happy you’re interested.

We’ve just finished making arrangements
… for a ceremony to be officiated by an Elvis Presley impersonator
… in Las Vegas
… three months from now
… four days before Christmas

It would be terribly inconsiderate of us to expect you, our co-conspirator, to drop everything and attend with us in person. And so we chose a wedding chapel for this occasion that offers live-streaming services during the ceremony. As soon as we receive that URL, we’ll share it below. We will be honored if you choose to participate in our wedding ceremony by watching it live.

And for those as ostentatious as we are, those wishing to throw better judgement aside and join us in Las Vegas on December 21, the details are available below.

No matter how you choose to attend, we hope you’ll join us.

We can’t wait to hear from you.